In the face of brutal summer heat, you’re helping meet a basic need for our community’s homeless youth.
When summer hits and temperatures soar, the warehouse at Phoenix Rescue Mission transforms into a critical water distribution hub for our Code:Red Summer Heat Relief partners.
One wonderful example is Lifeology, a local organization that’s committed to meeting the needs of those its founder Zaneta Berry considers the Valley’s “forgotten” —homeless youth. With support from caring friends like you, Phoenix Rescue Mission and Lifeology are teaming up again to ensure vulnerable kids in our community have life-giving water to help them beat the heat.
Every Wednesday morning during the summer, a Lifeology van picks up an entire pallet of bottled water from the Mission. Lifeology distributes the water to residents of 17 different group homes in our community.
“Getting water to teen moms in those group homes is especially crucial,” Zaneta says. “Your help makes that possible.”
Water from the Mission is also critical to Lifeology’s youth outreach on the streets.
“Youth and young adults aren’t just struggling with homelessness. They’re struggling with recovery issues, and water is key. So, thanks to Phoenix Rescue Mission, we’re putting bottled water in our outreach bags.”

While the water Lifeology receives is mostly earmarked for at-risk youth, it’s also impacting local families and others in dire need. That’s because the water stored at their youth shelter is made available to anyone in the neighborhood who is struggling during the summer heat.
“To those folks who give to Phoenix Rescue Mission, I don’t think they understand just how much they actually help,” Zaneta says. “Water is a main resource that any agency, any community function needs. So, thank you for providing for this need, for your impact and for standing in the gap for our community.”
Lifeology is just one of many organizations that partner with Phoenix Rescue Mission during the hot summer months. Through your support of the Mission, you are championing valuable partnerships across the Valley and bringing real help and hope to our most vulnerable neighbors. Your continued support today will help meet the urgent need for water among our homeless youth and will let them know they’re not forgotten. Thank you!