Neetiva’s story reads like a Hollywood blockbuster, but none of it is fiction. It’s real, it happened to her. And she wants you to know it, because she is living proof of how God uses your gifts to give people...
As a baby, Gabe was abandoned on the steps of a police station. He was adopted several months later, but when he was 12, his...
Eva had lived through domestic violence before, so when her new boyfriend started showing the tell-tale signs of an abuser, she knew she, her kids,...
Sergio knows what it’s like to try to survive in Phoenix during the brutal summer heat because he did – but barely. “I had blistered...
We all know it’s bad to be on the streets in the summer heat. But unless you hear it from someone like John, it’s hard...
For as long as she could remember, Jennifer’s life had been unspeakably awful.When she was at her very lowest — nearly dead from attempted suicide...
Zunique survived decades of domestic violence. Thanks to you, her journey toward hope and healing began at the Changing Lives Center. Zunique could hardly believe...