Tim is a volunteer math tutor at Phoenix Rescue Mission. He was kind enough to speak with us about his experiences serving guests of the Mission.
When did you first begin volunteering at the Mission?
Tim: A little more than ten years ago. To be honest, it was more of a social opportunity to hang out with my cousin and brother [laughs].
So you weren’t always passionate about serving people who were homeless?
Not really. I was raised a Christian, and I knew we were supposed to help, but I didn’t understand the complexities of homelessness, or why they couldn’t go to a relative’s house or get a job. Then, my brother began to have struggles with alcohol, and he was losing control of his life. I saw up close how homelessness could happen. Thankfully, my brother got the help he needed, and his struggle was one of the things that convinced me to invest more of my time at the Mission.
What do you do to serve today?
I’m a math tutor for guys who are trying to get their GEDs. Education is a key part of rebuilding a life. I get so much joy out of it, and I love meeting with the guys.
What would you say to someone who was thinking about volunteering at the Mission?
When you volunteer, and see the fruit of your labor, it cements in your mind what a difference you can make. Even if you can’t give money, but you want to help, volunteering is a great way to do that.

*About High Impact Volunteers
High impact volunteers make an extraordinary difference at Phoenix Rescue Mission. If you have a passion to serve your neighbors in need, we have a wealth of meaningful opportunities, including tutoring, Bible studies, mentoring, worship leading and more. Commitment typically requires a few hours a week, and is a wonderful way to live your faith.
To learn more, please visit phxmission.org/volunteer today.