Helping Repeat Offenders Rebuild Productive, Responsible Lives

Men and women struggling with addiction and homelessness often rack up a laundry list of related charges, from misdemeanor violations like loitering or sleeping in public places to more serious drug offenses, such as possession, distribution or gang-related activity. Oftentimes, a few bad choices can cost a person a decade or more behind bars.
Upon release, freedom is not so easy a thing to manage as some might believe. Employment, lodging, securing a credit card or loan . . . everything is harder and more complicated. That’s one of the reasons prison “revolving door” rates are so high — for many individuals, going back to the destructive lifestyle they knew seems like the only available path forward, and the cycle of crime and incarceration repeats.

Answering a Biblical Command
“I was in prison and you came to me.”
Matthew 25:36b
Because of clear instruction from Scripture, Phoenix Rescue Mission established our Criminal Justice Diversion program to serve legally-involved individuals. Our goal is to help them understand the underlying causes of their struggles and connect them to realistic, life-changing solutions.
We’ve developed close, professional relationships with judges, prosecutors and police officers in order to help men and women through all stages of the legal journey — from arrest and pre-trial diversion, to post-incarceration reintegration into society.
By partnering with the criminal justice systems, we aim to serve our community while offering repeat offenders a clear, accountable path to rehabilitation and self-sufficiency.
Since our Criminal Justice Diversion program was launched in 2019, we have helped many men and women avoid jail and turn their lives around.
The Goal: Transformation
Upon receiving a defendant’s referral, we’ll provide that person with case management in the courtroom and connect them to various medical and mental health clinics as needed. They’ll also receive resources for housing and employment once they’re released. If someone is in court for substance abuse, they can often enter Phoenix Rescue Mission’s Transformations Program as part of their journey to rehabilitation.
Here, our comprehensive, life-transforming services provide inner healing, spiritual discipleship and vital life skills — things like financial responsibility and personal maturity. There is employment preparedness and educational opportunities, all built on a Gospel foundation.

No Such Thing as a Lost Cause
Ultimately, the Criminal Justice Diversion program is transforming the lives of repeat offenders by giving them the chance to pay their debts to society and get back on their feet.
And those are lives renewed that are worth celebrating.