Arizona is one of the hottest places on earth from May to September!

Did you know:

Lives are at risk this summer

Last year was the hottest summer Phoenix has ever had. And it was the deadliest one on record for people experiencing homelessness.

This year could be even worse. We can’t stop the tempratures, but together we can help save lives.

Lives are at risk this summer

Last year was the hottest summer Phoenix has ever had. And it was the deadliest one on record for people experiencing homelessness.

This year could be even worse. None of us can stop it, but together we can help save lives.

Did you know:

Arizona is one of the hottest places on earth from May to September!*

Why does Code:Red matter?

For the four years I’ve been part of the Mission, I’ve known that Code:Red was a non-negotiable part of our ministry. Last year I got a stark reminder of how critical your help is– both for today and eternity.

Jesus calls us to to be His hands and feet. What better way to help?

Ken Brissa, CEO

The Hell that is Summer on the Phoenix Streets

Our homeless neighbors aren’t in the heat for a few minutes – or even an hour. They are out there for days and weeks at a time. “It’s extremely dangerous. You’re not drinking enough water. You’re spending as much time as you can in the shade,” Jessica*, who spent seven miserable years on the streets, says.

She got so sick that she ended up in the hospital. That’s when she remembered the people she had met before – the people from Phoenix Rescue Mission.
She reached out for help and we got her connected to the women’s program at our Changing Lives Center.

“I had cold water and I had A.C. I had a roof, I had food in my belly…I had things I haven't had in seven years,” she remembers. With her essential needs met, Jessica was able to begin doing the hard work of healing from her past and beginning a new life walking with Jesus.
As of this month, Jessica's been off the streets and sober for almost a year, has gotten physically healthier, mentally stronger, spiritually solid — and is already helping in our Rescue Assess Place (RAP) part of the program.

She wouldn’t be where she is today without our outreach team and the gifts of friends like you!
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*Name and image changed to protect privacy

Deadly Summers Getting Worse

The last four years have set records for heat-related deaths in Maricopa County.

lives lost
lives lost
lives lost
lives lost

The Danger is Real

When the temperature exceeds 100 in the Valley, just 15 minutes of exposure can cause permanent damage. In 2023 we saw 645 heat-related deaths, which is a 52% increase over 2022 – and a 750% increase in the last 10 years.

Click below to find out how the heat impacts the body, and why our need to help our homeless neighbors this time of year is so important.

When the temperature exceeds 100 in the Valley, just 15 minutes of exposure can cause permanent damage. In 2023 we saw 645 heat-related deaths, which is a 52% increase over 2022 – and a 750% increase in the last 10 years.

See below to find out how the heat impacts the body, and why our need to help our homeless neighbors this time of year is so important.

The Body

Under the duress of high temperatures, the body is at a much greater risk of dehydration, heatstroke, illness — and even death.

The Heart & Circulatory System

If a homeless neighbor already suffers from high blood pressure and heart disease, heat can mean death. Heat can send an already overworked heart into crisis.

The Stomach & Intestines

In extreme heat, our bodies need 4 liters of water a day, twice the normal amount. The combination of heat and a lack of adequate water can be deadly.

Feet & Extremities

The Phoenix pavement can hit 200 degrees at the hottest time of day, causing painful swelling of the feet and an unsafe rise in the body’s temperature.

The Brain & Nervous System

In Phoenix’s intense summer heat, one’s body temperature can rise in minutes. Anything above 104 degrees is dangerous for the brain.

The Brain & Nervous System

In Phoenix’s intense summer heat, one’s body temperature can rise in minutes. Anything above 104 degrees is dangerous for the brain.

The Body

Under the duress of high temperatures, the body is at a much greater risk of dehydration, heatstroke, illness — and even death.

The Heart & Circulatory System

If a homeless neighbor already suffers from high blood pressure and heart disease, heat can mean death. Heat can send an already overworked heart into crisis.

The Stomach & Intestines

In extreme heat, our bodies need 4 liters of water a day, twice the normal amount. The combination of heat and a lack of adequate water can be deadly.

Feet & Extremities

The Phoenix pavement can hit 200 degrees at the hottest time of day, causing painful swelling of the feet and an unsafe rise in the body’s temperature.

At high temperatures, the entire body is at a much greater risk of dehydration, heatstroke, illness — and even death.

No one is in more danger than our homeless neighbors.

Every dollar you give can save a life and
share the love of Jesus!

". . . blessed is the one who is kind to the needy."

– Proverbs 14:21b

Join Code:Red Now!

Every dollar you give will help provide life-saving water, shelter from the sun, “Hope Tote” hygiene kits, and more for someone experiencing homelessness in Phoenix. But any amount you can give today will save lives. 

Your gift today will not only help save lives by helping people escape the dangerous summer heat. It will also help them get connected to the Mission, which can lead to  the life God intended them to live.

It may sound simple, but a bottle of water or a hygiene kit really can lead to a whole new life!

Water Drop-Off Locations

You can help transform lives and share God’s love with life-giving water!

The next time you’re at the grocery store, consider buying an extra pack of water bottles to help us distribute to our neighbors in need. You can drop off water bottles at any of the locations below. Every drop can help save a life!

Open filters

Radius: 100miles



Other Ways to Help
Pray with Us!
- Please pray for safety and health for our outreach team.

- Ask God to use us to not only quench the physical thirst of our hurting neighbors, but their spiritual thirst as well.

- Pray that God’s love will be felt with every single bottle of water we hand out, and that those bottles start relationships so that we can connect people to the life-transforming support they need.
Host Your Own Water Drive
With your help, we were able to hand out 810,685 bottles of water during Code:Red last year. That’s enough for each person at a Cardinals game to get 12 bottles!

This year, our goal is 1,000,000, and you can help by hosting a water drive. Pick a time and location and challenge people at work, church, school and in your neighborhood to drop off as many cases of water as they can. The 16.9 ounce size bottles are the most convenient for handing out on the streets. We can’t have too many!

For more information or to sign up, call (602) 346-3347 or email [email protected].
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© 2024 Phoenix Rescue Mission
(602) 233-3000
[email protected]
1540 W. Van Buren St. Phoenix, AZ 85007
Tax ID# 86-6057771
Phoenix Gospel Mission, Dba, Phoenix Rescue Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible, including Arizona State QCO Code : 20549

*reference for sun quote