
The Main Thing – Real love isn’t like a box of chocolates

When the world talks about love, you never know what you’re going to get. Especially during the season when chocolates are flying off the shelves, there are plenty of counterfeit ideas contending for the title of real love. If people are nice, if they’re honest, if they’ve done us no harm, if they contribute, if they benefit us, if they’re attractive and fun to be around – these are all reasons the world “loves.”

Isn’t it a relief that God offers us something so much better? His love, the love He calls us to share, transcends any of these qualities, because it’s unconditional. It’s the love that reaches out to the lost, time and time again, that brings hope and joy to the underprivileged, the same love that picks us up and dusts us off every morning.

It’s the only thing in this world that can take a wounded life and make it new again – and with your help, we’ll share it with thousands more this year. Thank you for the privilege and the partnership, and God bless!